Organ transplantation is defined as transfering organs from cadaver or living people to the patient who is suffering from incurable diseases or organ insufficiencies. By organ transplantation, healthy and active organ is transferred instead of damaged organ. All organ transplantations can be fulfilled from lively to lively except heart transplantation. Kidney, liver, cornea, heart, pancreas, lung and bone marrow transplantations are being performed successfully in Turkey. Legal framework of organ transplantation has been created in 1979. Up to date, approximately 75 hearth, 4800 kidney, 6000 cornea, 2500 liver and 600 bone marrow transplantations have been performed in various hospitals of Turkey.Turkey has a great experience in the field of Organ Transplantation
The Disease Requiring Kidney Transplantation:
The Disease Requiring Liver Transplantation:
The Characteristics of Organ Transplantation Process
Organ transplantations can be applied among up to 4th stage relatives acccording to the instructions of Ministry Health of Turkey. But organ transplantation except relatives is possible in progress of received approval by Regional Ethics Committees. Also cross-donor variation can be done in legal framework.
Briefly, Organ transplantation procedures can successfully be performed at many qualified and experinced health institutions, in the direction of procedures applied in Turkey. By live Skype consultation or the application form on our web site, if you contact and share your files regarding your current disorder (such as reports, epicrisis and films), İncir Health Company experts evaluate your disorder and inform you regarding your treatment alternatives and the process free of charge.