The Internal medicine Unit is the solution to all problems such as fiery diseases, metabolic diseases, kidney diseases and liver diseases. Patients apply to internal medicine clinic whether they have abdominal pain, lack of appetite, digestive problems or cough. Patients who have the disorders of diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, blood diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases, respiratory problems, hormonal problems and obesity should apply to the Internal Medicine. Briefly, all of the adult health problems are in the extent of Internal Medicine that is the primary Unit to apply. The general principle of the internal medicine is to objectively evaluate and treat the patient. When the internist diagnoses the disorder, he/she may direct the patient to a surgeon if necessary. Internal medicine has various subspecialities as a result of the current technological developments in medicine. Hematology, Oncology, Infectious diseases, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatry, Pulmonary disease, Rheumatology and Immunology- Allergy are subspecialties of internal medicine.
The İncir Health Company provides the most advanced and safe Internal Medicine care with expert professionals by using state-of-the-art technological diagnostic and treatment tools in fully equipped hospitals in Turkey. We also offer check up programs which are created for different requirements of every age and sex.
By the application form on our web site, if you contact and send your files regarding your current disorder (such as reports, epicrisis and films), İncir Health Company experts evaluate your problem and inform you regarding your treatment alternatives free of charge.